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Friday, November 2, 2018

Turkey vs Chicken: Which Has More Protein?

Protein is a basic segment of a decent eating routine.

In spite of the fact that it tends to be gotten from an assortment of sources, chicken and turkey are among the most mainstream protein-rich sustenances.

This article investigates the protein substance of turkey and chicken and talks about which might be the more advantageous decision.

Protein in White Meat 

A large portion of the white meat in chicken and turkey is from the bosoms and wings.

The shading seems more white contrasted with darker parts of the poultry because of a lower substance of the protein myoglobin. Myoglobin transports and stores oxygen inside the muscle and is in charge of the ruddy dark colored tint of darker cuts of meat (1).

Bosom Meat

Bosom meat is a standout amongst the most well known cuts of poultry, particularly among wellness lovers and weight watchers because of its high protein and low calorie content.

Here's a correlation of the protein substance of 1 ounce (28 grams) of simmered bosom meat (2, 3):

Chicken bosom: 9 grams

Turkey bosom: 8 grams

Chicken leads the pack with one gram of protein more than turkey per ounce (28 grams) of meat. Notwithstanding, healthfully, this distinction is immaterial. Either decision would be a decent protein support for a feast.

Wing Meat

The white meat from the wings of both chicken and turkey is healthfully fundamentally the same as bosom meat. The protein content, specifically, is almost the equivalent for the two winged animals when contrasted with bosom meat.

Both chicken and turkey wing meat gives a similar measure of protein per ounce (28 grams) — around 9 grams


There is next to no distinction in the protein substance of white meat cuts of chicken and turkey. Chicken bosom gives 1 gram of protein more than turkey bosom, however the protein substance of chicken and turkey wing meat is indistinguishable.

Protein in Dark Meat

The expression "dim" is utilized to portray the cuts of meat with a ruddy dark colored shading.

The cuts have this shade as a result of a high convergence of the protein myoglobin

As myoglobin aids the transportation and capacity of oxygen in the muscle cells, dull meat is generally found in more dynamic muscle gatherings, for example, the legs and thighs of chicken and turkey

Leg Meat

Now and then called a drumstick, the leg meat of both chicken and turkey gives an equivalent measure of protein per ounce (28 grams) — around 8 grams

Thigh Meat

The thigh meat of both chicken and turkey is discovered simply over the leg. Some of the time it's sold still joined to the leg as one cut.

Per ounce (28 grams) of meat, turkey gives one extra gram of protein contrasted with chicken 

Chicken thigh: 7 grams

Turkey thigh: 8 grams

Despite the fact that turkey thigh meat is in fact the higher protein source in this examination, a solitary gram of protein per ounce (28 grams) is probably not going to have much effect in general. Either decision would even now qualify as a decent wellspring of superb protein.


The protein substance of leg and thigh meat for chicken and turkey is nearly the equivalent, however turkey thigh has one gram more protein than chicken thigh per ounce (28 grams) of meat.

Which Is Healthier?

Both chicken and turkey give superb protein and can be a sound segment of a reasonable eating regimen. Yet, remember that a lot of any single sustenance, meat notwithstanding, could have negative results on your wellbeing .

Consolidating moderate measures of chicken or turkey into your eating regimen can be a solid method to meet your protein needs, in spite of the fact that protein isn't the main supplement turkey and chicken give.

When choosing which alternative may meet your own sustenance needs and wellbeing objectives best, the aggregate nourishment content, including calories, fat, nutrients and minerals, ought to be considered nearby protein.

Calories and Fat

Focusing on calories and fat substance of nourishments might be vital relying upon your wellbeing objectives.

Fat is a basic part of a solid eating regimen and poultry contains distinctive sorts of sound fats (10).

Be that as it may, fat is a denser wellspring of calories contrasted with protein. This implies higher-fat cuts of meat will have a greater number of calories than less fatty cuts.

Generally speaking, dull meat in both chicken and turkey has more fat than white meat. This has a tendency to be valid for different sorts of poultry too.

Dull meat cuts of chicken have somewhat more fat and calories than dim meat cuts of turkey. The equivalent is valid for the white meat of these two sorts of poultry, as turkey is marginally less fatty with less calories than chicken.

It's likewise significant that on the off chance that you eat the skin, you'll see a hop in both fat and calorie substance of a poultry.

None of this implies either decision is fundamentally superior to the next, yet it might be worth considering relying upon what you need to achieve with your eating regimen.

Nutrients and Minerals

While there is no huge contrast in nutrient and mineral substance among chicken and turkey, there might be a few varieties of these supplements among white and dull meat as a rule.

For instance, chicken bosom contains more niacin and nutrient B6 than chicken leg, while chicken leg contains essentially more zinc than the chicken bosom .

In this way, in case you're hoping to expand your admission of zinc, the dim meat might be a superior alternative, though on the off chance that you need a nutrient B help, the white meat might be more appropriate.

While considering dietary alternatives, for example, these, it's great to remember the master plan. Eating a wide assortment of nourishments and cuts of meat might be the most ideal approach to guarantee that you get the supplements you require.


Both chicken and turkey can be a sound piece of your eating regimen. Notwithstanding protein, they both give calories, fat, nutrients and minerals. You may incline toward one over the other relying upon your own wellbeing objectives.

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